dimarts, 27 de novembre del 2018

The History horror

1. Who invented the G.N.? Edgar Allan Poe 
2.  Which basic elements of horror do you remember from the introuctory lesons? 
Goblins, Vast, Howling, thunder, Rag, skull, dark, darknes, hole, drag, fear,
4.Chose one of the topics on Discovering literature and wirte a post.

dilluns, 19 de novembre del 2018

Horror Story

Goblins duende
 Vast grande
Howling aullido
thunder tro
Rage ravia

One opone a time, ther are  Willam. Willam was a goblin was a so vast vast vast goblin. He suprice the thunder, and the howlings. But he have a so much rage and withe the rage he goes to the woods. He was a so good gowling, but with the rage he kills old the bad children

dilluns, 12 de novembre del 2018

My Favourite Horror Movie

The Conjuring

This is my favourite  horror movie. It's so scary!. What I like most is that it is based on n real events, and there are real pictures of a real family. It's a good movie. I like the actors.  My favourite scene is the Hide and Clap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhMWopjJiI8 )
This scene is so frightening and for me can become a horror cinema classic. It's really original. 

The movie is about Paranormal researchers Ed and Lorraine Warren who work to help a family who is terrorized by a dark ghost in their home.

dilluns, 5 de novembre del 2018

The guitar

 The guitar

The guitar, also known as classical guitar or Spanish guitar, 1 is a plucked string musical instrument, composed of a resonance box, a mast on which the tuning fork or storage room is attached -generally with an acoustic hole in the center of the lid (mouth) -, and six strings. On fretboard the frets are embedded, allowing different notes. Some instruments of his family are the cuatro, the ukulele, the requinto, the charango and different types of guitarrón, like the Mexican guitarrón, of frequent use by the mariachis.It is the most commonly used instrument in genres such as blues, rock and heavy metal, especially in its electric variant, while in flamenco, a Spanish guitar with slight variations is often used, known as flamenco guitar. The classical guitar is also quite frequent among the singer-songwriters, as well as in the folklore of several countries.

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April my world

Quentin Tarantino is one of my favourite movie diractors. My favourite movie is Dead Prof not is the best movie but i like. This year go to ...